It’s another beautiful day for Studio Ghibli fans. Fashion label Loewe is doing a Howl’s Moving Castle collaboration, featuring famous film moments and characters from Hayao Miyazaki’s beloved movie on bags, shirts, scarves, wallets, leather keychains, and more. This will be Loewe’s third and final Studio Ghibli collaboration, following its popular My Neighbor Totoro capsule series in 2021, and its Spirited Away series in 2022. Loewe x Howl’s Moving Castle drops on February 2, but you can also sign up for early access, which will launch on February 1.
As with past Studio Ghibli collaborations, this series is bursting with inventive items — covered in tassels, fur, and jewels, and sporting whimsical shapes — plastered with familiar characters. Howl, Sophie, Markl, Heen (the dog), Turnip Head, and the Witch of the Waste all make appearances. But Calcifer, the demon fire at the heart of Howl’s castle, really steals the show.
Some of the film’s most iconic stills also get the all-over print treatment.
The collection also includes a sweeping cape. Howl sure does have a flair for the dramatic.
The castle itself even gets a cool tribute; though this version of it isn’t powered by a magician or his flaming heart.
Pricing isn’t for the faint of heart, ranging from $155 (for personalization) to $3,300 (for purses). Clothing starts at $420.